
Trait Model

pub trait Model {
    type Data;

    // Required methods
    fn row_count(&self) -> usize;
    fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<Self::Data>;
    fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker;

    // Provided methods
    fn set_row_data(&self, _row: usize, _data: Self::Data) { ... }
    fn iter(&self) -> ModelIterator<'_, Self::Data> 
       where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static) { ... }
Expand description

A Model is providing Data for the repeated elements with for in the .slint language

If the model can be changed, the type implementing the Model trait should holds a ModelNotify, and is responsible to call functions on it to let the UI know that something has changed.

Properties of type array will be mapped to a ModelRc<T>, which wraps a Rc<Model<Data = T>>. The ModelRc documentation has examples on how to set models to array properties.

It is more efficient to operate on the model and send changes through the ModelNotify rather than resetting the property with a different model.


As an example, let’s see the implementation of VecModel.

pub struct VecModel<T> {
    // the backing data, stored in a `RefCell` as this model can be modified
    array: std::cell::RefCell<Vec<T>>,
    // the ModelNotify will allow to notify the UI that the model changes
    notify: ModelNotify,

impl<T: Clone + 'static> Model for VecModel<T> {
    type Data = T;

    fn row_count(&self) -> usize {

    fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<Self::Data> {

    fn set_row_data(&self, row: usize, data: Self::Data) {
        self.array.borrow_mut()[row] = data;
        // don't forget to call row_changed

    fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker {

    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
        // a typical implementation just return `self`

// when modifying the model, we call the corresponding function in
// the ModelNotify
impl<T> VecModel<T> {
    /// Add a row at the end of the model
    pub fn push(&self, value: T) {
        self.notify.row_added(self.array.borrow().len() - 1, 1)

    /// Remove the row at the given index from the model
    pub fn remove(&self, index: usize) {
        self.notify.row_removed(index, 1)

Required Associated Types§

type Data

The model data: A model is a set of rows and each row has this data

Required Methods§

fn row_count(&self) -> usize

The number of rows in the model

fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<Self::Data>

Returns the data for a particular row.

This function should normally be called with row < row_count() and should return None otherwise.

This function does not register dependencies on the current binding. For an equivalent function that tracks dependencies, see ModelExt::row_data_tracked

fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker

The implementation should return a reference to its ModelNotify field.

You can return &() if you your Model is constant and does not have a ModelNotify field.

Provided Methods§

fn set_row_data(&self, _row: usize, _data: Self::Data)

Sets the data for a particular row.

This function should be called with row < row_count(), otherwise the implementation can panic.

If the model cannot support data changes, then it is ok to do nothing. The default implementation will print a warning to stderr.

If the model can update the data, it should also call ModelNotify::row_changed on its internal ModelNotify.

fn iter(&self) -> ModelIterator<'_, Self::Data>
where Self: Sized,

Returns an iterator visiting all elements of the model.

fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)

Return something that can be downcast’ed (typically self)

This is useful to get back to the actual model from a ModelRc stored in a ItemTree.

let handle = ModelRc::new(VecModel::from(vec![1i32, 2, 3]));
// later:
assert_eq!(handle.row_data(3).unwrap(), 4);

Note: the default implementation returns nothing interesting. this method should be implemented by model implementation to return something useful. For example:

    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any { self }

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl Model for bool


type Data = ()


fn row_count(&self) -> usize


fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<<bool as Model>::Data>


fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)


fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker


impl Model for usize


type Data = i32


fn row_count(&self) -> usize


fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<<usize as Model>::Data>


fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)


fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker


impl<M> Model for Rc<M>
where M: Model,


type Data = <M as Model>::Data


fn row_count(&self) -> usize


fn row_data(&self, row: usize) -> Option<<Rc<M> as Model>::Data>


fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker


fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)


fn set_row_data(&self, row: usize, data: <Rc<M> as Model>::Data)



impl<M> Model for ReverseModel<M>
where M: Model + 'static,


type Data = <M as Model>::Data


impl<M, F> Model for FilterModel<M, F>
where M: Model + 'static, F: Fn(&<M as Model>::Data) -> bool + 'static,


type Data = <M as Model>::Data


impl<M, F, T, U> Model for MapModel<M, F>
where M: 'static + Model<Data = T>, F: 'static + Fn(T) -> U,


type Data = U


impl<M, S> Model for SortModel<M, S>
where M: Model + 'static, S: SortHelper<<M as Model>::Data>,


type Data = <M as Model>::Data


impl<T> Model for ModelRc<T>


type Data = T


impl<T> Model for VecModel<T>
where T: Clone + 'static,


type Data = T


impl<T> Model for SharedVectorModel<T>
where T: Clone + 'static,


type Data = T