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import { TextEdit, VerticalBox } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Example inherits Window {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
VerticalBox {
TextEdit {
font-size: 14px;
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\n consectetur adipisici elit";
std-widgets textedit example

Similar to LineEdit, but can be used to enter several lines of text



length default: 0px

The size of the font of the input text.


string (in-out) default: ""

The text being edited

TextEdit {
text: "Initial text";


bool (in-out) default: false

Set to true when the widget currently has the focus.


bool default: true

When false, nothing can be entered.


bool default: false

When set to true, text editing via keyboard and mouse is disabled but selecting text is still enabled as well as editing text programmatically.


enum TextWrap default: the first enum value


This enum describes the how the text wrap if it is too wide to fit in the Text width.

  • no-wrap: The text won’t wrap, but instead will overflow.
  • word-wrap: The text will be wrapped at word boundaries if possible, or at any location for very long words.
  • char-wrap: The text will be wrapped at any character. Currently only supported by the Qt and Software renderers.

The way the text wraps (default: word-wrap).


enum TextHorizontalAlignment default: the first enum value


This enum describes the different types of alignment of text along the horizontal axis of a Text element.

  • left: The text will be aligned with the left edge of the containing box.
  • center: The text will be horizontally centered within the containing box.
  • right: The text will be aligned to the right of the containing box.

The horizontal alignment of the text.

  • placeholder-text: (in string): A placeholder text being shown when there is no text in the edit field.


  • focus() Call this function to focus the TextEdit and make it receive future keyboard events.
  • clear-focus() Call this function to remove keyboard focus from this TextEdit if it currently has the focus. See also focus handling.
  • set-selection-offsets(int, int) Selects the text between two UTF-8 offsets.
  • select-all() Selects all text.
  • clear-selection() Clears the selection.
  • copy() Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
  • cut() Copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes it from the editable area.
  • paste() Pastes the text content of the clipboard at the cursor position.



Emitted when the text has changed because the user modified it

TextEdit {
edited(text) => {
debug("Edited: ", text);

key-pressed(KeyEvent) -> EventResult

Invoked when a key is pressed, the argument is a KeyEvent struct. Use this callback to handle keys before TextEdit does. Return accept to indicate that you’ve handled the event, or return reject to let TextEdit handle it.

key-released(KeyEvent) -> EventResult

Invoked when a key is released, the argument is a KeyEvent struct. Use this callback to handle keys before TextEdit does. Return accept to indicate that you’ve handled the event, or return reject to let TextEdit handle it.

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