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Builtin Functions

animation-tick() -> duration

This function returns a monotonically increasing time, which can be used for animations. Calling this function from a binding will constantly re-evaluate the binding. It can be used like so: x: 1000px + sin(animation-tick() / 1s * 360deg) * 100px; or y: 20px * mod(animation-tick(), 2s) / 2s

export component Example inherits Window {
preferred-width: 100px;
preferred-height: 100px;
Rectangle {
background: red;
height: 50px;
width: parent.width * mod(animation-tick(), 2s) / 2s;
Rectangle {
background: blue;
height: 50px;
y: 50px;
width: parent.width * abs(sin(360deg * animation-tick() / 3s));


The debug function can take one or multiple values as arguments, prints them, and returns nothing.

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