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Common Properties & Callbacks

The Slint elements have many common properties, callbacks and behavior. This page describes these properties and their usage.

Common Visual Properties

These properties are valid on all visual items. For example Rectangle, Text, and layouts. Non visual items such as Timer don’t have these properties.

x, y

length default: 0px

The position of the element relative to its parent.


float default: 0.0

Allows to specify a different order to stack the items with its siblings. The value must be a compile time constant.

width, height

length default: 0px

The width and height of the element. When set, this overrides the default size.


component ImageInfo inherits Rectangle {
in property <float> img-opacity: 1.0;
background: transparent;
VerticalLayout {
spacing: 5px;
Image {
source: @image-url("elements/slint-logo.png");
opacity: img-opacity;
Text {
text: "opacity: " + img-opacity;
color: white;
horizontal-alignment: center;
export component Example inherits Window {
width: 100px;
height: 310px;
background: transparent;
Rectangle {
background: #141414df;
border-radius: 10px;
VerticalLayout {
spacing: 15px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
ImageInfo {
img-opacity: 1.0;
ImageInfo {
img-opacity: 0.6;
ImageInfo {
img-opacity: 0.3;
rectangle opacity

float default: 1

A value between 0 and 1 (or a percentage) that is used to draw the element and its children with transparency. 0 is fully transparent (invisible), and 1 is fully opaque. The opacity is applied to the tree of child elements as if they were first drawn into an intermediate layer, and then the whole layer is rendered with this opacity.

The following example demonstrates the opacity property with children. Note the software renderer does not support layer opacity and this will result in a different end result as shown.

Rectangle {
opacity: 50%;
Rectangle {
x: 0;
y: 0;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: blue;
Rectangle {
x: 50px;
y: 50px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: green;
layer opacity


bool default: true

When set to false, the element and all his children won’t be drawn and not react to mouse input. The element will still take up layout space within any layout container.


struct Point (out) default: a struct with all default values


This structure represents a point with x and y coordinate

  • x (length):
  • y (length):

A common issue is that in a UI with many nested components it’s useful to know their (x,y)position relative to the main window or screen. This convenience property gives easy read only access to that value.

It represents a point specifying the absolute position within the enclosing Window or PopupWindow. It defines coordinates (x,y) relative to the enclosing Window or PopupWindow, but the reference frame is unspecified (could be screen, window, or popup coordinates).



bool default: false

When set to true, this provides a hint to the renderer to cache the contents of the element and all the children into an intermediate cached layer. For complex sub-trees that rarely change this may speed up the rendering, at the expense of increased memory consumption. Not all rendering backends support this, so this is merely a hint.


enum DialogButtonRole default: none


This enum represents the value of the dialog-button-role property which can be added to any element within a Dialog to put that item in the button row, and its exact position depends on the role and the platform.

  • none: This isn’t a button meant to go into the bottom row
  • accept: This is the role of the main button to click to accept the dialog. e.g. “Ok” or “Yes”
  • reject: This is the role of the main button to click to reject the dialog. e.g. “Cancel” or “No”
  • apply: This is the role of the “Apply” button
  • reset: This is the role of the “Reset” button
  • help: This is the role of the “Help” button
  • action: This is the role of any other button that performs another action.

Specify that this is a button in a Dialog.

Common Callbacks


Every element implicitly declares an init callback. You can assign a code block to it that will be invoked when the element is instantiated and after all properties are initialized with the value of their final binding. The order of invocation is from inside to outside. The following example will print “first”, then “second”, and then “third”:

component MyButton inherits Rectangle {
in-out property <string> text: "Initial";
init => {
// If `text` is queried here, it will have the value "Hello".
component MyCheckBox inherits Rectangle {
init => { debug("second"); }
export component MyWindow inherits Window {
MyButton {
text: "Hello";
init => { debug("third"); }
MyCheckBox {

Don’t use this callback to initialize properties, because this violates the declarative principle.

Even though the init callback exists on all components, it cannot be set from application code, i.e. an on_init function does not exist in the generated code. This is because the callback is invoked during the creation of the component, before you could call on_init to actually set it.

While the init callback can invoke other callbacks, e.g. one defined in a global section, and you can bind these in the backend, this doesn’t work for statically-created components, including the window itself, because you need an instance to set the globals binding. But it is possible to use this for dynamically created components (for example ones behind an if):

export global SystemService {
// This callback can be implemented in native code using the Slint API
callback ensure_service_running();
component MySystemButton inherits Rectangle {
init => {
// ...
export component AppWindow inherits Window {
in property <bool> show-button: false;
// MySystemButton isn't initialized at first, only when show-button is set to true.
// At that point, its init callback will call ensure_service_running()
if show-button : MySystemButton {}

Accessibility Properties

Use the following accessible- properties to make your items interact well with software like screen readers, braille terminals and other software to make your application accessible. accessible-role must be set in order to be able to set any other accessible property or callback.


enum AccessibleRole default: the first enum value


This enum represents the different values for the accessible-role property, used to describe the role of an element in the context of assistive technology such as screen readers.

  • none: The element isn’t accessible.
  • button: The element is a Button or behaves like one.
  • checkbox: The element is a CheckBox or behaves like one.
  • combobox: The element is a ComboBox or behaves like one.
  • groupbox: The element is a GroupBox or behaves like one.
  • image: The element is an Image or behaves like one. This is automatically applied to Image elements.
  • list: The element is a ListView or behaves like one.
  • slider: The element is a Slider or behaves like one.
  • spinbox: The element is a SpinBox or behaves like one.
  • tab: The element is a Tab or behaves like one.
  • tab-list: The element is similar to the tab bar in a TabWidget.
  • tab-panel: The element is a container for tab content.
  • text: The role for a Text element. This is automatically applied to Text elements.
  • table: The role for a TableView or behaves like one.
  • tree: The role for a TreeView or behaves like one. (Not provided yet)
  • progress-indicator: The element is a ProgressIndicator or behaves like one.
  • text-input: The role for widget with editable text such as a LineEdit or a TextEdit. This is automatically applied to TextInput elements.
  • switch: The element is a Switch or behaves like one.
  • list-item: The element is an item in a ListView.

The role of the element. This property is mandatory to be able to use any other accessible properties. It should be set to a constant value. (default value: none for most elements, but text for the Text element)


bool default: false

Whether the element is can be checked or not.


bool default: false

Whether the element is checked or not. This maps to the “checked” state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.


string default: ""

The description for the current element.


bool default: false

Whether the element is enabled or not. This maps to the “enabled” state of most widgets. (default value: true)


bool default: false

Whether the element can be expanded or not. For example, a ComboBox widget should set this to true, as its selection can be changed via an expandable popup.


bool default: false

Whether the element is expanded or not. Applies to combo boxes, menu items, tree view items and other widgets.


string default: ""

The label for an interactive element. (default value: empty for most elements, or the value of the text property for Text elements)


float default: 0.0

The maximum value of the item. This is used for example by spin boxes.


float default: 0.0

The minimum value of the item.


float default: 0.0

The smallest increment or decrement by which the current value can change. This corresponds to the step by which a handle on a slider can be dragged.


string default: ""

The current value of the item.


string default: ""

A placeholder text to use when the item’s value is empty. Applies to text elements.


bool default: false

Whether the element’s content can be edited. This maps to the “read-only” state of line edit and text edit widgets.


bool default: false

Whether the element can be selected or not.


bool default: false

Whether the element is selected or not. This maps to the “is-selected” state of listview items.


int default: 0

The index (starting from 0) of this element in a group of similar elements. Applies to list items, radio buttons and other elements.


int default: 0

The total number of elements in a group. Applies to the parent container of a group of element such as list views, radio button groups or other grouping elements.

Accessibility Callbacks

You can also use the following callbacks that are going to be called by the accessibility framework:


Invoked when the default action for this widget is requested (eg: pressed for a button).


Invoked when the user wants to change the accessible value.


Invoked when the user requests to increment the value.


Invoked when the user requests to decrement the value.


Invoked when the user requests to expand the widget (eg: disclose the list of available choices for a combo box).

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