
Trait Global

pub trait Global<'a, Component> {
    // Required method
    fn get(component: &'a Component) -> Self;
Expand description

This trait is used to obtain references to global singletons exported in .slint markup. Alternatively, you can use ComponentHandle::global to obtain access.

This trait is implemented by the compiler for each global singleton that’s exported.


The following example of .slint markup defines a global singleton called Palette, exports it and modifies it from Rust code:

export global Palette {
    in property<color> foreground-color;
    in property<color> background-color;

export component App inherits Window {
   background: Palette.background-color;
   Text {
      text: "Hello";
      color: Palette.foreground-color;
   // ...
let app = App::new().unwrap();<Palette>().set_background_color(slint::Color::from_rgb_u8(0, 0, 0));

// alternate way to access the global singleton:
Palette::get(&app).set_foreground_color(slint::Color::from_rgb_u8(255, 255, 255));

See also the language documentation for global singletons for more information.

Note: Only globals that are exported or re-exported from the main .slint file will be exposed in the API

Required Methods§

fn get(component: &'a Component) -> Self

Returns a reference that’s tied to the life time of the provided component.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
