Returns an iterable of key, value pairs for every entry in the array.
notifyNotifies the view that the complete data must be reload.
notifyNotifies the view that multiple rows are added to the model.
index of the first added row.
the number of added items.
notifyNotifies the view that the data of the current row is changed.
index of the changed row.
notifyNotifies the view that multiple rows are removed to the model.
index of the first removed row.
the number of removed items.
Removes the last element from the array and returns it.
The removed element or undefined if the array is empty.
Pushes new values to the array that's backing the model and notifies the run-time about the added rows.
list of values that will be pushed to the array.
Removes the specified number of element from the array that's backing the model, starting at the specified index.
index of first row to remove.
number of rows to remove.
Returns the number of entries in the array model.
Returns the data at the specified row.
index in range 0..(rowCount() - 1).
undefined if row is out of range otherwise the data.
Stores the given data on the given row index and notifies run-time about the changed row.
index in range 0..(rowCount() - 1).
new data item to store on the given row index
Returns an iterable of values in the array.
ArrayModel wraps a JavaScript array for use in
views. The underlying array can be modified with the [[ArrayModel.push]] and [[ArrayModel.remove]] methods.