Class ComponentCompiler

Class Documentation

class ComponentCompiler

ComponentCompiler is the entry point to the Slint interpreter that can be used to load .slint files or compile them on-the-fly from a string (using build_from_source()) or from a path (using build_from_source())

Public Functions

inline ComponentCompiler()

Constructs a new ComponentCompiler instance.

inline ~ComponentCompiler()

Destroys this ComponentCompiler.

inline void set_include_paths(const slint::SharedVector<slint::SharedString> &paths)

Sets the include paths used for looking up .slint imports to the specified vector of paths.

inline void set_style(std::string_view style)

Sets the style to be used for widgets.

inline slint::SharedString style() const

Returns the widget style the compiler is currently using when compiling .slint files.

inline void set_translation_domain(std::string_view domain)

Sets the domain used for translations.

inline slint::SharedVector<slint::SharedString> include_paths() const

Returns the include paths the component compiler is currently configured with.

inline slint::SharedVector<Diagnostic> diagnostics() const

Returns the diagnostics that were produced in the last call to build_from_path() or build_from_source().

inline std::optional<ComponentDefinition> build_from_source(std::string_view source_code, std::string_view path)

Compile a .slint file into a ComponentDefinition

Returns the compiled ComponentDefinition if there were no errors.

Any diagnostics produced during the compilation, such as warnings or errors, are collected in this ComponentCompiler and can be retrieved after the call using the diagnostics() function.

Diagnostics from previous calls are cleared when calling this function.

inline std::optional<ComponentDefinition> build_from_path(std::string_view path)

Compile some .slint code into a ComponentDefinition

The path argument will be used for diagnostics and to compute relative paths while importing.

Any diagnostics produced during the compilation, such as warnings or errors, are collected in this ComponentCompiler and can be retrieved after the call using the Self::diagnostics() function.

Diagnostics from previous calls are cleared when calling this function.